Monday, February 10, 2014

This week is Valentine's Day!


Click here if you want to play Energy Flow, the game we played in class last week!

In class we also talked about damps and turbines. Here is a video to help you understand better!

We also watched the ROY G BIV video to help us remember the colors of the rainbow that are formed when light is reflected through a prism. But, you should know that the rainbow in this video has the colors indigo (dark blue) and violet (purple) mixed up. The rainbow should look like this.

And HERE you can find many games about lights and shadows.


Keep practicing the irregular verbs by playing Skydiver and Don't Let the Shark Eat You!

And remember to leave a comment or question on the blog! Lia and I are happy to answer your questions and to know that you are learning when you're at home too! I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day this Friday!