Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why does MATTER matter?


Here is the video about CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL changes that Julie shared with you in class last week.

And here is the video Lia shared in class this week about MATERIALS and PROPERTIES !

If you want to play the Characteristics of Materials Game, click HERE!!
Review the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and listen to the song by Jack Johnson. Try to put the 3 Rs into practice at home and at school! Please leave a comment and share what you and your family are doing to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

And finally, please look at the CEIP Antonio Machado website. If you go to "rincón del alumno" and 4º primaria, you can find your work about vertebrates, the Christmas song and the link to this blog!


Keep preparing for the Trinity Exam! Julie has told some of you to research your topic at home. So use your computer, books, talk to a friend, or your parent. Keep learning more and more about your topic! Remember, YOU are the expert!