Monday, December 16, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


The Christmas concert is this Friday so please practice singing Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree at home!


To answer your questions about how non-flowering plants produce seeds and reproduce, please watch this video. If you have any questions, post a comment on the blog!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Animal Questions


You are curious about animals! Here are the answers to some questions you asked in class last week that we didn't have time to answer.

How do we say the "baba" that snail have?
        Snails have SLIME.

Do jellyfish have eyes?
     Some jellyfish have ocelli: light-senstive organs that do not form images but can detect light. However, the Box Jellyfish has 24 eyes, two of which are capable of seeing color.

What kind of animal is plankton?
     Plankton (singular plankter) are any organism that lives in the ocean or sea and can't swim. These organisms include different animals, algae, or bacteria

How do snakes lay eggs?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Animal Documentaries


As we continue studying the animal kingdom, watch the first episode of the BBC series Planet Earth. There are more episodes of this documentary available online! 

Also, watch the BBC series Life. This episode is about cold blooded animals. Leave a comment about what you learned or ask questions!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Superlatives vs Comparatives


Keep up the good work and practice using the superlative and comparative!!
Below are games to play to keep learning!
REMEMBER: Use the comparative (-ER) when comparing two things.
                       Use the superlative (-EST) when describing something that is the most.

Please leave a comment using as many compartive and superlative sentences you can think of!
I think you are the greatest 4th grade class! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Rainy days

Hello Grade 4! I hope you enjoy the sunny weather this weekend, after a week full of rainy days!


Continue studying the present simple and present continuous verb tense by watching The Woolly Jumper


Here is the video Lia shared in class this week about the respiratory system. 

When we breathe, why do we get only oxygen? What happens to the rest of gases?

Air is made up of roughly 20% oxygen, 78% Nitrogen, and the remaining 2% is 
made up of carbon dioxide and other gasses in very small quantities. 
When we inhale air, all the gases in it also enter our lungs. Externally, we have 
no selective mechanism to inhale only oxygen. 

In the alveoli, exchange of gases takes place. The haemoglobin in red 
blood cells has an affinity for this oxygen present in the inhaled air and it is 
immediately absorbed. The rest are sent out during exhalation. 
The nitrogen does nothing in our bodies. Some of the other gasses can be 
poisonous in large amounts - including carbon dioxide. 

A mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide would be poisonous. If there is too 
much carbon dioxide in the mix, it blocks our ability to absorb oxygen and we 
would lose consciousness quickly. If there is too much oxygen in the air it 
can cause burning and damage to the tissues of the lungs, and we would still 
die - quite slowly and painfully.

How do cells transform nutrients and oxygen into energy, waste and carbon dioxide?

Well, this is VERY complex. I’ll try to keep it simple. Cells use energy in the 
form of a molecule called ATP (Adenosintriphosphate: C10H16N5O13P3):

So this is what cells need to build. To do so, cells make lots of chemical 
reactions with glucose (C6H12O6) inside the cells. 
The easy equation for this is: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O 
Although it is more complex, since other molecules and enzymes are involved, as well as the ATP.

In any chemical reaction there is a transformation, but you still have the 
same elements. For example, in this one, you have 6 C (carbon) atoms, 12 H 
(hydrogen) atoms, and 6+12=18 O (oxygen) atoms at the beginning as well as at the end.

Click HERE for more information.

As always, please leave a comment about what you learned from watching these videos! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fall into Practice


Practice using the present continuous and play the RALLY GAME!

It is almost Halloween! Read the book Pumpkin Pumpkin and play Pick a Pumpkin
Write a comment, what do you like about Halloween?


Here are the videos Lia showed in class about the different systems in the body:

Digestive System                        Circulatory System                      Blood Cells 

And, answering Mariano's question in class:

Why are red blood cells  red? 

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a molecule with iron that catches the oxygen.
Think of rust.

Rust happens because fo the oxygen in the air.The same happens to the iron in red blood cells. In contact with oxygen , it gets red.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Welcome to Our Class Website!

Hello! Lia and I want to make learning English fun for you. And we want you to practice at home! Here you will find games, activities, and videos that you can do at home to keep learning!


Click HERE to play Who Wants to be a Billionaire and practice the present simple tense.


Click HERE! You'll find articles, movies, quizzes, and printables about parts and systems in your body!