Monday, November 3, 2014

Social Science

 Here are the questions from Lessons 1 & 2 to review for your Social Science exam this Friday, the 7th of November!


1.     Why is the Sun constantly changing? (lesson 1)
The Sun is changing because it is a star, and stars die.

2.     What is a light year? (lesson 1)
A light year is the distance a ray of light travels in one year.

3.     What are the seasons? (lesson 1)
The seasons are spring, summer, autumn (fall), and winter

4.     Why does the Earth have seasons? (lesson 1)
The Earth has seasons because it orbits the Sun and has a
tilted (/) axis.

5.     Which galaxy do we live in? (lesson 1)
           We live in the Milky Way.

6.     What is a planet?(lesson 2)
     It is a celestial body that orbits around the Sun.

7.     What is the biggest planet in our solar system?(lesson 2)
The biggest planet is Jupiter.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Welcome back to school!

I can't believe you are now in Grade 5!

I know most you remember me from last year. But for new students, my name is Julie and I will be joining your English class with Lia in two weeks! 

I am excited to continue our learning adventure! I know you all probably have stories to tell me about what you did during summer break. I have a lot of stories to tell you all too! 

Rather than waiting until I get back to Spain, I will share what I did during summer break with you now! And you can ask me questions by leaving a comment.

During the months of July, August, and September, I was in New York City. Have you ever been to New York? 
I returned to New York on the 4th of July. Do you know what holiday is celebrated on that day in the United States of America?

I also visited Luna Park on Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. I went on rides like the Wonder Wheel, ate a hot dog, cotton candy, and played games to win a prize!
Have you ever been on a ferris wheel like the one in this picture? Tell me about a time you went to the amusement park!

I also went to a museum to look at art. The art you see here was created by Jeff Koons.

Do you like the art Jeff Koons made? Why or why not?
 What does it look like? What do you think it is made out of?

I went sailing on a sailboat in the East River. I have always dreamed of going sailing! I am so happy that I finally got to!
What have you always dreamed of doing?

I also went on a bike trip! 
I went with my friend Rebecka. We packed all our things onto the back of our bikes. We went camping too.

 We also went water rafting with a lot of friends!
Do you like riding a bike, camping, or riding in a boat? Tell me about a time you did one of those things.

I can't wait to see you all again on the 15th of October! 

Monday, May 26, 2014



This week on Thursday or Friday, you will be taking the Trinity Exam! If you'd like to know what the exam will be like, below are the videos you watched in class today with Lia. 

Here is another example of a student who did well on the Trinity Exam.

If you would like to see more examples of the Trinity Exam, please CLICK HERE.

And lastly, here is the board game you played in class today so you can practice at home this week! 

Good luck! I know you will do your best on the exam. And remember, EVERYONE makes mistakes!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Practice Present Perfect


Practice using the PRESENT PERFECT by playing Moonshot!

Please continue practicing your topic for Trinity!
 Here are some things you can do at home to practice:
     1. Write down 5 setences and 1 question for every subtopic.
     2. Draw a picture of your topic and tell your mum, dad, brother, sister, or friend about it.
     3. Revise vocabulary words by making a card matching game.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Autonomous Communities of Spain

I hope you all had a wonderful vacation during Semana Santa! I am so happy to see you all again this week.


To review the Autonomous Communities and Provinces of Spain, click here

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why does MATTER matter?


Here is the video about CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL changes that Julie shared with you in class last week.

And here is the video Lia shared in class this week about MATERIALS and PROPERTIES !

If you want to play the Characteristics of Materials Game, click HERE!!
Review the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and listen to the song by Jack Johnson. Try to put the 3 Rs into practice at home and at school! Please leave a comment and share what you and your family are doing to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

And finally, please look at the CEIP Antonio Machado website. If you go to "rincón del alumno" and 4º primaria, you can find your work about vertebrates, the Christmas song and the link to this blog!


Keep preparing for the Trinity Exam! Julie has told some of you to research your topic at home. So use your computer, books, talk to a friend, or your parent. Keep learning more and more about your topic! Remember, YOU are the expert!

Monday, February 10, 2014

This week is Valentine's Day!


Click here if you want to play Energy Flow, the game we played in class last week!

In class we also talked about damps and turbines. Here is a video to help you understand better!

We also watched the ROY G BIV video to help us remember the colors of the rainbow that are formed when light is reflected through a prism. But, you should know that the rainbow in this video has the colors indigo (dark blue) and violet (purple) mixed up. The rainbow should look like this.

And HERE you can find many games about lights and shadows.


Keep practicing the irregular verbs by playing Skydiver and Don't Let the Shark Eat You!

And remember to leave a comment or question on the blog! Lia and I are happy to answer your questions and to know that you are learning when you're at home too! I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day this Friday!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Solar System, Earth, & Continents


Click here to check out an interactive activity to review what you're learning in science right now! 

Click here to continue practicing what you know about the earth!

And click here to look at NASA satellite pictures of the earth!

Don't forget to leave a comment, ask questions, or share interesting information that you've learned about the solar system, earth, and continents!