Monday, May 26, 2014



This week on Thursday or Friday, you will be taking the Trinity Exam! If you'd like to know what the exam will be like, below are the videos you watched in class today with Lia. 

Here is another example of a student who did well on the Trinity Exam.

If you would like to see more examples of the Trinity Exam, please CLICK HERE.

And lastly, here is the board game you played in class today so you can practice at home this week! 

Good luck! I know you will do your best on the exam. And remember, EVERYONE makes mistakes!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Practice Present Perfect


Practice using the PRESENT PERFECT by playing Moonshot!

Please continue practicing your topic for Trinity!
 Here are some things you can do at home to practice:
     1. Write down 5 setences and 1 question for every subtopic.
     2. Draw a picture of your topic and tell your mum, dad, brother, sister, or friend about it.
     3. Revise vocabulary words by making a card matching game.