Saturday, October 4, 2014

Welcome back to school!

I can't believe you are now in Grade 5!

I know most you remember me from last year. But for new students, my name is Julie and I will be joining your English class with Lia in two weeks! 

I am excited to continue our learning adventure! I know you all probably have stories to tell me about what you did during summer break. I have a lot of stories to tell you all too! 

Rather than waiting until I get back to Spain, I will share what I did during summer break with you now! And you can ask me questions by leaving a comment.

During the months of July, August, and September, I was in New York City. Have you ever been to New York? 
I returned to New York on the 4th of July. Do you know what holiday is celebrated on that day in the United States of America?

I also visited Luna Park on Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. I went on rides like the Wonder Wheel, ate a hot dog, cotton candy, and played games to win a prize!
Have you ever been on a ferris wheel like the one in this picture? Tell me about a time you went to the amusement park!

I also went to a museum to look at art. The art you see here was created by Jeff Koons.

Do you like the art Jeff Koons made? Why or why not?
 What does it look like? What do you think it is made out of?

I went sailing on a sailboat in the East River. I have always dreamed of going sailing! I am so happy that I finally got to!
What have you always dreamed of doing?

I also went on a bike trip! 
I went with my friend Rebecka. We packed all our things onto the back of our bikes. We went camping too.

 We also went water rafting with a lot of friends!
Do you like riding a bike, camping, or riding in a boat? Tell me about a time you did one of those things.

I can't wait to see you all again on the 15th of October! 

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